604 N. Greece Rd. • North Greece, NY 14468 • (585) 392-2177 • Fax (585) 392-2133

Welcome to our photo gallery!
Mouse over the thumbnails to view the larger image.

thepath = server.mappath("photos\")
' response.write thepath
dim fs, folder, file, item, url
set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set folder = fs.GetFolder(thepath)
tcnt = 1
for each item in folder.Files
if tcnt = 1 and name = "" then
name = item.name
end if
tcnt = tcnt + 1
if right(ucase(item.name),4)=".JPG" or right(ucase(item.name),4)=".PNG" or right(ucase(item.name),4)=".GIF" then
end if